Merits and Demerits of Renewable Energy: Solar Power

 Greeting all!

 As everyone know, there are several renewable energy sources such as:
- Solar Power
- Wind Power
- Hydroelectricity
and so on.

 While it is a dream come true way to produce energy, it has its own downfalls.

 Firstly, they do not produce massive energy per installation, meaning they need to place in mass to cover the needs.

 Let's see Solar Power first.

 Solar power is a panel that converts sun lights to energy we can use.
That means, it requires weathers to be clear and has no clouds and/or objects that obscures the light.

There was an on going project called solar roadways.
Here is the video.

The idea is to replace conventional asphalt roads to solarpower that can generate power and emit LED lights to change sign if needed.

Sadly, the project seemed to be a flop as you can see the videos of youtube user called thunderfoot.

 Despite the relatively expensive set up cost, with proper care, they can in theory collect infinite amount of energy until the sun it self perishes.

 In conclusion, solar power solution is not advanced to replace the mighty nuclear power plant.


  1. I hope slar power can take place. Since the accidents of Fukushima, many people are feeling scared of nuclear power plants. There are some replacement such as water and fire but they cost a lot of money and using fire power plants can lead to global warming so I think solar power will be the best way. It does cost money but people can set solar panel on their loof easily and it has no harmful substances. i think it is the most efficient and beneficial way to make energy.

